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About Cath

I’m an Australian-based Medical Herbalist with a focus in Integrative Oncology Cancer Care, alongside my general healthcare clinic. 

I specialise in evidence-based and traditional western herbal medicine. I am a classically trained Medical Herbalist and university qualified clinician with a Master's in Science with advanced skills in Integrative Oncology clinical care. 

I have qualifications and clinical experience in both traditional and evidence-based western herbal medicine, naturopathy, nutrition, Integrative Oncology and a Resource Therapy foundation qualification. 


I am completely dedicated to ensuring my patients receive the highest level of care working in community with your oncologist, GP or allied health professional. 



1994 Diploma of Medical Herbalism 

1994 Diploma of Medical Science 

2000 Post Grad Certificate 'treating people with cancer' 

2018 Master's Of Science ~ Western Herbal Medicine & Research 

2019 Post Grad Integrative Oncology with Lise Alschuler (Arizona State University) 

2021 Resource Therapy Foundation 1 

2022 Post Grad Prosper Practitioner Integrative Oncology with Carla Wrenn 


Clinical : 

30 years continuous clinical care in Australia and Scandinavia 

Higher Education Consultant : 

For the past 10 years I have also worked in the Higher Education sector as an academic writing bachelor course work for clinical studies, providing external moderation for Bachelor of Naturopathy course work and lecturing in academic reasearch skills.


Industry Consultant: 

Created content and copy for health brands in Denmark, Europe, Poland and Australia.


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